A Guide to Feng Shui Colors in Your Home

Feng shui is the art of arranging your living spaces to create balance. This goal is to establish harmony between the environment and the individuals. The feng shui school of thought has developed into a philosophy on how we design space and exist in...

How to Change the Size of Your Room With Paint

Paint is a powerful tool. It can change your mood, your style, and even the size of your space. Now, it can’t alter the measurements, of course. But used correctly, color can fool the eye into believing your room is larger, smaller, taller, or wide...

Get Your Body Moving During Quarantine With A Painting Project

When not in the midst of a global pandemic, spring and summer are times when many of us spend more hours getting in shape at the gym and being active outdoors. However, stay-at-home orders issued across the country have made more people stay inside a...

How Color Can Affect Your Mood and Reduce Stress

Colors do so much more than just provide decoration and create works of art. In fact, psychological studies show that colors have a profound effect on mental health and significantly impact the moods and emotions that people feel. During these uncert...

Make the Most of Your Small Kitchen

We’re all spending more time in our kitchens now, thanks to life in lockdown. And if you have a small kitchen, you may be wishing you had more room. Even if you can’t blow out the walls, there are some easy ways to make your kitchen appear bigger...

How to Make Any Room Look Bigger With Paint

If you have a small living space, it can often be hard to decorate without the area feeling too crowded. The scale and number of pieces of furniture play a significant role in making the space visually larger. To create the illusion of even more spac...

What’s are the Best Apartment Paint Colors?

Choosing a paint color for your apartment or condo can seem overwhelming. If you're renting, you might have to get approval. If you own, it's a big project to take on by yourself. What if you choose the wrong color and have to repaint? Compared to...

3 Surprising Benefits of Painting Your Home

Painting your home doesn't just make your house look pretty -- it has some awesome hidden benefits too. Painting your home is one of those unspoken topics that suffocate the room every weekend; When are we going to paint? It's a project that is us...

10 Beautiful Ideas for Den Colors

Dens and families go together like peanut butter and jelly. But every so often, even the family's favorite room needs a decorating update. Incorporate one of these beautiful paint colors into your den room ideas to bring the cozy back to the room whe...

A Sporty Blue Bedroom in the Upper Eastside

Amy Sullivan of the Upper Eastside, recently re-designed her seven-year-old son's bedroom. "The re-design started as an organization project." Sullivan had help from Elise Gurock a professional organizer at Chaos Concierge. Sullivan's son has many...